

Talk in Inaugural of ICAMTPBCS-2016 by Dr.Linfan MAO


Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning!


On behalf of a Honorary Guest, it is my pleasant to welcome all attendants to be here for a common interest: Application of Mathematics in Other Sciences, Particularly, in Topological Dynamics, Physical, Biological and Chemical Systems .


Today, we all known that the development of human beings must be in coordinated with that of nature. Its condition is the correct understanding of the nature, holds on laws of the nature. As the basis of this objective, mathematics provides quantitative tools and methods for Sciences.


We all known a theory can not be without the practice, and it can be only from the practice. By this view, I think applied mathematics is the source of mathematics because it is problem oriented, particularly, in physics, biology and chemistry with their applications to industry and social science. And sometimes, we can not even distinguish a research work is on applied mathematics or pure mathematics.


Today, we should notice also a main character in science developing, i.e., cross promotion and development each other on different branches of science, also called interdisciplinary, which results in new developing trends in sciences, particularly, the mathematics.  For example, the applications of combinatorial notion to mathematics and mathematical sciences.


I wish all attendants will use this opportunity by CMS to exchange well because more exchanges will bring about more ideas and good results. I also wish you display results and learn more from the others.


Finally, I wish the conference a complete success!


Thanks to everyone!
