Talk in Inaugural Session of NCETMMS-2015 by Linfan MAO (毛林繁在印度“全国数学及数学科学发展趋势学术交流大会”开幕式的讲话)

Talk in Inaugural Session of NCETMMS-2015 by Linfan MAO

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning

It is my pleasant duty to extend my sincere thank to the organizer — Calcutta Mathematical Society on behalf of a Chief Guest, thanks also go to all attendants to be here for a common interest: mathematics or mathematical sciences.

 As we known, the function of science is realizing the natural world and developing our society in coordination with natural laws, and the function of mathematics is provide quantitative analysis tools or ways for holding on the reality of things by observation. Thus, sciences should be served to the social practice of human beings.

 The practice can not do well without theory, and also, the theory can not develop without practice test. Today, a main character for developing of science is its cross promotion and common development on different branches of science, also called, interdisciplinary, which results in many new developing trends in mathematics and other sciences, for examples, the applications of interaction systems to economy or ecology, and combinatorics to classical mathematics and mathematical sciences.

 I wish each attendant will use this opportunity to fully exchange well, display your results and learn more from others. I believe you will not come in vain on this conference.

 Finally, I wish the conference a complete success! Thanks to everyone!










[编者注释]印度加尔各答数学会(Calcutta Mathematical Society)成立于1908年,是有着百年老店声誉的学会,也正因为此,它成了代表印度整个数学界的数学会(印度全国及各帮后来均没有再成立数学会),这也是为什么它每年举办的数学会议都冠以“全国”二字的缘由。