Talk in Valedictory Session of NCETMMS-2015 by Linfan MAO (毛林繁在印度“全国数学及数学科学发展趋势学术交流大会”闭幕式的讲话)

Talk in Valedictory Session of NCETMMS-2015 by Linfan MAO

      Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Afternoon!

On the first, Please allow me congratulating to Calcutta Mathematical Society for organized this successful conference, and congratulating to the winner in this contest.

Please allow me to say some words to the winner first. It should be remembered that achievements only represent the past, not the future. It is only a shine point on your life road, not implies the terminal but  a new starting point. You should be worked ever hard on mathematics or mathematical sciences after then, and then you will be the winner in your whole life.

I would like also to say some words to Young Scholars in here. I believe a mathematician should be a philosopher, not just only calculating because the notion is the guide to action, and the mathematics itself is a philosophy. Certainly, a mathematician is solving mathematical problems in all his times. Why you research this problem, not that problem is not only dependent on your ability but also on your philosophy and values on the world. Your think it is important and you think it is valuable to do in your life.

In recent years, many young scholars asked me providing open problems to them. In fact, it is easy. There are many and many unsolved problems in mathematics and mathematical sciences today. However, to decide what to do is simple, to decide not to do what is a little different but more important. By a philosophical view, there are 5 guide lines for deciding whether a problem is valuable for you:

(1) valuable for solving a problem in a mathematical branch;

(2) valuable for developing a mathematical branch;

(3) valuable for developing the whole mathematics;

(4) valuable for developing science at a times;

(5) valuable for understanding the nature, beneficial to human progress.

In my opinion, the most important for a mathematician is not just solving an abstract problem with only self-interest but should contribute to all sciences and human beings. Along with your own research, you should look at more researches of other scientists in your or not in your subjects or fields, and then push forward the promotion and development for different sciences together. So, I think this National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences coincide with the development pace of sciences. It is a valuable and important conference for all mathematicians.

Thanks for you attention! Thanks!









 (1) 问题本身对解决数学分支中某一个问题有价值;;

(2) 问题的解决对推动某一数学分支有价值;

(3) 问题的解决对推动整个数学发展有价值;;

(4) 问题的解决对推动某一时期科学发展有价值;;

(5) 问题的解决对认识自然和人类发展有价值。



[编者注释]印度加尔各答数学会(Calcutta Mathematical Society)成立于1908年,是有着百年老店声誉的学会,也正因为此,它成了代表印度整个数学界的数学会(印度全国及各帮后来均没有再成立数学会),这也是为什么它每年举办的数学会议都冠以“全国”二字的缘由。